~ VIP invite to get new clients & more income ~
"Ready To Attract Your Ideal Clients And Grow A Profitable Business Doing What You Love?"
So you can make more money and help more people?
From the desk of Kat Millar
Sydney, Australia

Hey passionate entrepreneur,

Do you want to know with certainty how to grow a profitable business?

So you can make a deeper impact with your message...

Create the income you deserve...

And position yourself as the go-to expert in your niche?

And also have a business that gives you the lifestyle and time-freedom that you want?

Well, then this letter is your new best friend :-)

Let me tell you why...

But first, you NEED to hear this.

ALL the enthusiastic, positive, grateful clients imaginable are out there right now, ready and waiting for you.

All you need is a proven system to attract them into your business. 

If you’re unhappy with the money you’re earning, it simply means that you haven't applied the right system yet. 
If any of this sounds like you...
"I want to help more people and make a bigger difference, but I'm not sure where to start..."

"I've always wanted to be my own boss, but I have ZERO idea what to do next..."

"I want to have an online business, but I'm held back by the fear that I don't know enough about technology" 

"I don't have a lot of followers or testimonials..."

"I already tried to get clients but it didn't work..."

"Sales freak me out. I don’t ever want to be pushy when promoting."

"Marketing is certainly NOT in my Genius Zone..."

I Promise You You're Not Alone
These are the things so many people tell me. And I totally get it.

I know that deep inside you there’s a burning for more. 

To help more people. To make a bigger difference... 

The desire and the quiet voice inside you is not going away.

For SO many years, I consumed looooads of books, seminars and information about marketing, mindset, sales, presenting and wealth-creation... but I was still broke!

The problem was, I didn't know what were the most critical tasks to focus on and I'd get stuck in overwhelm. 

Inevitably, I'd end up procrastinating on everything. 

Eventually, I began to realise that successful entrepreneurs have a specific way of doing things. 

I invested in learning the best strategies from successful business owners and began to apply them in my business. 

It made a huge difference and I was able to finally have a profitable business and be a fully-booked Coach.  

And now I want to share the strategies that successful business owners use that can set you up for massive success.
You don't have to spend years struggling unnecessarily. 

You know what I’m talking about… Those days where you really close to giving up... 

Where it just feels too hard and you are tempted to just keep working for someone else…  

You deserve to have the business you dream of.
You’re not supposed to be stressed out and going back and forth in the confusion. 

You have a reason and a purpose to being here and a legacy to build. 

You're supposed to have a bigger impact than being in a job that sucks your soul…

I’ve seen what happens when people don’t set their business up properly and don’t have expert help. 

But it doesn’t have to be like that. 

There’s a better way to do things, and I want to share with you exactly what to do. 

Once you’ve mastered the skill of creating valuable offers and the formula to market and sell them, you can make money at ANY time—independent of anybody else. 

Meaning... you don't have to worry about money again!

If you want this for your business, I have some good news.

With your very own client-attraction system built and implemented, this could be your reality faster than you think.
This is why I created the 'Client Attraction Accelerator' Program
The Client Attraction Accelerator is a comprehensive, personalised program that will accelerate the growth of YOUR business... 

So you can start booking paid clients in a matter of WEEKS, instead of months (or even years). 

The Client Attraction Accelerator dives deep into everything you need to know about getting paid clients...

No guesswork required.

It can take your business to the 5 figures per month level...

WITHOUT involving expensive web developers, understanding how to code or spending a fortune on ads. 

It offers you the fastest way to attract your ideal clients, so you can do what you love and get paid for it. 

You can expect results within the first 14 days!

The Client Attraction Accelerator is based on REAL life client experiences and tested, measured and proven strategies.

I have refined the formula over and over again so that it creates fast results in the easiest way possible.

Normally this information is only available to my private clients, but now I am offering it for a fraction of the cost in an online course.

Everything you learn you can apply in your business for years to come!

How would you feel if you finally have a system to consistently sign up your ideal clients? 

I'm here to tell you - it's not only possible, I've mapped out the EXACT step-by-step system to show you how to finally create a profitable business!

This is for you if...
 You're a Coach or Service-Based Business Owner, with a valuable service to offer
 You want to know step-by-step, from beginning to end how to attract and sign up your ideal clients.
 You want to make more money by helping more people.
 You want your business to be aligned with your passion, values, and preferred lifestyle. 
And if you are sick and tired of...
 The 'trial and error' approach of growing your business 
 Fluffy advice that doesn't achieve tangible results
 Stressing about money
 Feeling overwhelmed and confused by the sea of noise online
 Bursts of motivation that fade away quickly in the busyness of life 
The end result? 
Being fully booked with your ideal clients paying you what you're worth!
By the end of the program, here’s what will happen when you have implemented everything inside… 

You will have created the most powerful asset any entrepreneur can have...

An automated system to continue to produce your ideal clients. You'll have structure in your business and so you don't have to keep manually repeating the same tasks.

You can start enjoying the benefits of a profitable, lifestyle business... Without the overwhelm… 

Faster than you ever thought possible. 

Let's have a look at what you get inside:

The Client Attraction Portal
Access for 3 months to the complete step-by-step modules with the exact formula to attract & sign up your ideal clients.

You'll receive Step-by-Step Video trainings, Worksheets, Templates, Cheatsheets and Guides to implement your learnings effortlessly.

With this library of training, you'll have all the training and tools you need at your fingertips around the clock!
Module 1: Prepare Your Plan
 Get crystal-clear on your business vision, plan, milestones and next-step actions
 The key elements you need to understand about your ideal client - this goes way deeper than most niching and helps you create strong messaging that attracts the right people
 Identify your uniqueness and the right business strategy for you, so you can build a viable, sustainable and profitable business
 How to create professional branding without a big budget
 How to set yourself apart online so the right people can find you 
Module 2: Optimise Your Offer
 The 8 essential elements of an irresistible offer that SELLS
 Offer Must-Haves & Validation Guide - how to get everything right so that you can launch successfully and convert highly
 My unique 'Offer Creation' formula to refine your offer into a high-value package your ideal clients will find irresistible
 The best way to price your offers for maximum results
 Learn how to position yourself as THE go-to expert in your niche
Module 3: Attract Your Avatar 
 How to create a high-converting, irresistible freebie to flood your inbox with qualified leads
 Client Attraction Strategies: 7 free & low-cost lead-generation strategies you can start using straight away
 An easy-to-follow Website Content Checklist
 How to get in front of the right audience - my best online and offline strategies that work (stop wasting time on the others!)
 A step-by-step Client Attraction Checklist
 Exactly how to speak to your ideal clients with impactful messaging, so your offers reach the right people
Module 4: Succeed With Social Media 
 A Social Media Caption Planner - Create 30-days worth of content created in one session with this template and loads of caption ideas 
 The Do's & Don'ts on Facebook - Learn how to convert curious strangers on Facebook into paying clients
 A library of Social Media Content Ideas - so you'll never get stuck wondering what to post again!
 Social Media Content Map - an easy-to-implement template to plan out your content in advance
 How to communicate the value of your offer on social media so that your ideal clients can't afford NOT to sign up with you
Module 5: Content That Connects 
 My signature 7-step ATTRACT formula to use in all your copywriting to infuse elegant influence
 How to create effective content for all your online marketing that converts your ideal clients
 7 keys to an effective content calendar so you can be super organised with your content - not random! 
 How to enhance the best features of your copy, correct the flaws, and make it look and feel natural. 
 How to make your message influential and authentic, so you can stand out from your competitors 
 Words to use and words to avoid - stop making these costly mistakes in your copywriting that could be putting people off 
Module 6: Funnels That Flourish
 How to create a 24/7 marketing machine that converts people even while you're away from your phone and laptop
 How to create highly-effective funnels, even if you feel you're bad at technology (I did too but these are super easy and I show you step-by-step!)
 Access ALL of my high-converting funnels to have all your automation systems in place for a seamless client enrolment process.
 My email templates for your email nurture sequence templates ready to go, so you don't have to start the wording from scratch
 How to use an automated funnel to book up your calendar with discovery calls and have an consistent stream of potential clients wanting to work with you
Module 7: Selling With Soul 
 How to be authentically confident when selling and charge what you're worth, while being genuine, helpful, and impactful
 My signature Authentic Enrolment Formula Template to help you overcome dreaded awkward sales calls and know how to be elegant and authentic
 Effective strategies to close clients with ease - no awkwardness or weirdness!
 How to be paid what you're worth with a simple mindset shift and the tools to sell to the right clients
 Understand exactly what to say to overcome people's limiting beliefs and the best ways to open and close your calls. Don't leave it to chance!
 Module 8: Prosper From Presenting
 How to craft compelling, world-class presentations, live or using Zoom, even if you get nervous on video
 How to market your presentations to attract your ideal clients, without a big budget 
 How deliver a successful online event, including how to keep people engaged and hooked the whole time
 My unique end-to-end checklist for planning a successful event
 How to generate thousands of dollars through presenting (I'll show you how I've made over $100,000 from running small events)
You Also Get These Exclusive Bonuses Worth over $4,000 for FREE When You Invest Today…
When you take me up on my offer to get The Client Attraction Accelerator and my bonuses for free, you’re getting my best secret weapons...

my best strategies...

my best tactics...

It's true. And what’s also true, is no matter how much information I give you…

There’s always going to be obstacles along the way!

Going it alone is a recipe for disaster.

Trust me, I’ve done it and because of that... I’ve lost years of time (and thousands of dollars) in the process :-(

So, I would feel a bit unethical simply giving you my course without also giving you the continued support you actually need...

To make sure your results are a huge success!

So I've also included these bonuses for free...
Bonus: Support & Implementation Program
* 12x Weekly Group Training and Mentoring sessions in a small group setting online 

* 3 Months Access to recordings, presentation slides and supporting documents for all sessions, for you to learn at your own pace

* Bonus training additional to the online course, according to the personalised needs of the group
Value: $1,995
Bonus: The Accelerator Vault 
Receive 12 months access to my online vault so you can access my powerful, game-changing business strategies. 

You get:

* Templates, scripts, & funnels
* Marketing and packaging templates
* Social Media Cheat sheets
* Sample workshop & workbook templates 
* Webinar PowerPoint slide packs
* Workshop PowerPoint slide packs 
* All of my best high-converting funnels
* High-converting sales consult scripts
* Done-for-you forms
… and more
Value: $1,995
Save literally hundreds of hours & spend more time in your genius zone doing what you love.

These documents have grown my business and taken me literally hundreds of hours to create, so you can save loads of time!

Step-by-Step Video trainings, Worksheets, Templates, and Guides to give you even more support to implement your learnings effortlessly.

With a library of training, you'll have all the training and tools you need at your fingertips around the clock.

Plus much much more including Action Checklists (kind of like an “execution plan”), that makes implementing ALL these items an absolutely breeze! 

So as you can see… 

The Accelerator program saves you hours and hours of time every week - while also helping you grow your business. 

But we’re not done yet! 
Bonus: Private Members-Only Inner Circle
* Have a safe space for accountability, getting your questions answered, receiving feedback and celebrating your wins

* Receive invaluable connection and community for ongoing support and help

* Have people around you who inspire you because they're also doing great things

* Connect with other entrepreneurs on a similar path to you 

* Coaches, team mates, peers and cheerleaders all rolled in to one package, championing you on

Business is better together!
Value: $1,295
Here’s Why This Is Important To You…
No matter what challenges pop up…

I’ll help you move past them, stress-free :-)

Bottom Line: You get access to me to ask ANY question you want so you don’t have to go it alone…

And so I can ensure you get the fast support you need to succeed.
Value: Priceless
BONUS: Tickets to Private VIP Immersion Action Day For You & A Friend
* Receive a ticket for you and a friend to one of our exclusive live VIP event (with a range of date options)

* Networking and support from other like-minded entrepreneurs

* Get all your questions answered by me and real-time feedback and guidance as you take action

* Mind-on-fire brainstorming sessions to get ideas and feedback from others to help you move forward

* Copies of the presentation slides & workbook 
Value: $1,997
Remember - this program gives you certainty about how to grow a profitable business.

So you can make a bigger impact with your message...

Create the income you deserve...

And position yourself as the go-to expert in your niche.

And also have a business that gives you the lifestyle and time-freedom you want.
Here’s A Quick Recap Of Everything You’re Getting When You Join Me Inside The Client Attraction Accelerator…
 The Client Attraction Portal ($2,995)

Access to the complete step-by-step modules with the exact formula to attract & sign up your ideal clients consistently.

Step-by-Step Video trainings, Worksheets, Templates, Cheatsheets and Guides to implement your learnings effortlessly.
 Bonus 1: Support and Implementation Program ($1,995) FREE 

Weekly training and mentoring in a group setting for 3 months to ensure you're never stuck and always moving forward, plus recordings of all sessions 
 Bonus 2: The Amplify Vault ($1,995) FREE

Video trainings, Worksheets, Templates, PowerPoints, Event Documents, and Guides 
 Bonus 3: Private Members-only Facebook Group ($1,295) FREE 

Receive invaluable connection and community for ongoing support, inspiration, feedback and help, where you can post your questions daily and get fast answers.
 Bonus 4: Ticket For You And A Friend To 2x LIVE VIP Online Immersion Days ($1,997)

Tickets to 2x private VIP Business Virtual Boardroom Event for you and a friend.
Just a wee bit of value, right?! ;-)

Especially considering if you were to buy it all separately you’d be spending $10,272!

(Which would still be a great deal)

But I'm not going to make you pay anywhere near that.

In fact…
Your Investment Is Going To Be A Just A Fraction Of What It's Worth

Here’s the deal…

I’ve decided to create a super special way for you to get all the above at an incredibly low investment because I want to make this affordable to all of you who are super passionate about helping people. 

So if you jump in now, you’re not going to invest the full price of $10,272

You’re not going to invest $8,000…

And you're not even going to invest $5,000…
You can get The Client Attraction Accelerator and all the free bonuses, at just...

$1,995 AUD


$697/month x3

A huge saving!

But you need to know...

Due to the personalised nature of this program...
This Offer Could Come Down At Any Moment As There Are Only Limited Spots At Any One Time & I Promote It To Over 2,000 People In My Database
So if you’re interested in jumping in there’s no time to wait…

Click the button below, fill out your details and you can get going immediately in the program.
If you've got to this point in this letter and are still deciding if this is for you...

I don't want you to take my word for it that the Client Attraction Accelerator at $1,995 represents amazing value.

Check out what some of my clients have to say:

"I have gone from making $800 per week to $4,000 per week!"

"I have gone from ZERO to over 35,000 followers!"

"It gave me the confidence and tools to launch my own coaching practice"

"I've made over $25,000 using Kat's strategy"

"Now I have an abundance of clients - over 40 clients a week"

The Best Part Is... I'm with you
Every step of the way

This program gives you lots of access to me - through the private FB Group and the live calls every week.

You get to jump on live with me weekly, connect with others and ask your questions. 

This is not a course where you are left to figure it out on your own - because to succeed in business, you NEED a mentor.

14 Day Satisfaction Guarantee

If you're not fully satisfied, you can email us within 14 days and we will refund all of your money.

We want you to be completely happy and this Satisfaction Guarantee makes it completely risk-free for you. 

Ready to join?

$1,995 AUD

or 3x $697 AUD

Here Are The Top FAQs On The Client Attraction Accelerator…
QUESTION #1: "What stage of business should I be in?" 

If you’re just getting started, this is the perfect program to help set you up for success…

You’ll be building a solid “automation foundation” (a foundation I wish I had when I was first getting going)…

That will enable you to scale your business without stealing you away from your life.

If you’ve been at this a little while and you are still not attracting enough clients - then this is going to help you a TON.

So the more experienced Coaches and Experts will absolutely get a lot of value out of this course too and take your business to the next level.

QUESTION #2: "How much time will this take?"

The true beauty of the Accelerator is…

You don’t have to complete the entire program to start seeing results immediately.

In fact… With each tool you apply to your business, you’ll instantly save more and more time!

So that means you’ll literally be getting back time (and making more money) right from the beginning of the program.

However, if we’re talking about how long it takes to implement the WHOLE program…

You can expect to commit anywhere from two to five hours a week…to review my training, get your actions done, and then have me critique and look over what you're doing.

Obviously, more experienced entrepreneurs may take fewer hours..

And newbies make take a little longer...

But it's self-paced, so you've got no pressure at all.

QUESTION #3: Do I need to be good at tech?!

Not at all. This course was built with the “technophobe” in mind.

I want ALL the people in my community who enter this program (no matter what skill level) to be able to get the same, incredible time-saving results I have…

And that means I walk you through the setup of each automation system - in detail - so that you know exactly what to do every step of the way. With my walkthrough videos, you’ll know:

What tools to sign up to…
What buttons to press…
How to connect tech tools to each other…

Bottom line:
Nothing is left out and everything is included so that no matter what your technical abilities…

You too can get great results WITHOUT pulling your hair out!

QUESTION #4: "How quickly can I get started?" 

Your access will arrive in your inbox within 1 business day!
I don't want you to wait around ;-)

You'll be able to start as quickly as you want, and you have me in your corner every week.

If you're ready to stop doing business alone and start getting the results you deserve, just click below now to reserve your spot before they're all gone…

QUESTION #5: "I think I'm ready, but I'm still wondering whether this program is the right fit for me?" 

If you'd like to chat through it further - book a time HERE
Get FULL access to everything for only $1,995 (or $697 x3) and receive $10,272 worth of value.

Everything you need to attract new clients, fast. 

So if you're ready to get started...

Click the button below, claim your spot before someone else takes it, and get speedy access to start attracting your ideal clients, fast!

I can't wait to see you inside!
Copyright 2023 - Kat Millar - All Rights Reserved

DISCLAIMER: It’s important to know that I am not a financial advisor. I am not implying you will duplicate my results or my clients results (or actually do anything for that matter). Business also entails risk and no result is guaranteed. If you are not willing to accept that then PLEASE DO NOT GET THIS PROGRAM. If you are looking for a guaranteed “magic pill”, this is not for you.

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